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Shopping Guide

From size charts to style inspirations and care recommendations, find everything you need to make your shopping experience seamless.

When do you restock?

Popular styles and sizes at Hardcore Italians are in high demand, and we understand how quickly they can sell out – sometimes in just an hour!. There is no guarantee that we will restock any products, but typically, we try to restock our originals on

How do I choose the right size?

Selecting the right size for your purchase is crucial. At Hardcore Italians, we strive to provide you with the most accurate sizing information to ensure a comfortable fit. Here are our sizing recommendations:. Tight-Fit Tees: Our women's t-shirts te

Understanding Product Descriptions: Making an Informed Purchase

One of the pivotal aspects of online shopping is relying on product descriptions to make purchase decisions. This guide will help you understand and utilize product descriptions to ensure you're always making an informed choice. Title and Basics. At

Material Guide: Understanding Fabrics and Care Instructions

The materials that make up your clothing and accessories play a crucial role in their look, feel, and longevity. This guide will introduce you to common fabrics, their unique properties, and how best to care for them, ensuring your purchases from Har

Navigating Backorders and Out-of-Stock Items

There's nothing more disappointing than finding the perfect item, only to realize it's not immediately available. At Hardcore Italians, we're committed to keeping our customers informed and providing solutions when faced with backorders or out-of-sto

Managing Account and Order History

At Hardcore Italians, your shopping experience is our top priority. To help you keep track of your orders, preferences, and account details, we've created a user-friendly interface. This guide is here to walk you through the essentials of managing yo